
Write limerick, win Absolute tickets Update: winner announced

Jan 27, 2009

UPDATE: Thanks for the hundreds of entries, we really enjoyed reading them (although some of them were rather saucy). The winner is Teresa with the following limerick:

There once was a drummer named Will,
who, during "viva" would BANG on a bell.
The bell it struck back
with a ping and a THWACK!
but bravely he’s hitting it still.

Teresa is, of course, referring to an incident mentioned in #42’s latest blog. Top rhymin’ – Absolute will be in touch about your tickets.

Good morning. As you know, Chris is playing a very intimate acoustic session for Absolute Radio this coming Friday (30th January). Well, the kind folks at Absolute have been in touch to offer one pair of tickets to give away. Our winner will need to be available to go along to the session in London on Friday, at around 1pm. The prize is just the tickets, not travel or anything else.

How can you win the tickets? Simply write a limerick (strict AABBA rhyming pattern) beginning with one of the following lines:

– There once was a singer named Chris
– There once was a bassist named Guy
– There once was a drummer named Will
– There once was an axeman named Jonny

Email your entry to with the subject "limerick" before 9am tomorrow morning (Wednesday). The best one (in our humble opinion) wins the tickets…
