Would you like a letter with a Coldplay stamp?
Jan 07, 2010Good evening. We visited our local post office earlier and bought some of the new Coldplay stamps. Very nice they are too. Now, we thought it’d be nice to send one of you a letter using a Coldplay stamp, post-marked with today’s issue date. (It won’t be signed by the band or anything, just us.) So, the 42nd person to email anchorman@coldplay.com with their full postal address will be sent the letter/stamp. Hurry, the last post goes in about 40 minutes…
UPDATE: Crikey, that was a bit bonkers – we had more than 1,700 emails in 30 minutes (a stamp-ede, perhaps?). The 42nd person to send us their address was Kirstin from Ocoee in Florida, USA. Congratulations Kirstin, your letter from Coldplay.com with Coldplay stamps is now in the postbox and on its way (in fact, it needed 3 stamps with you being on the other side of the Atlantic). Thanks very much for taking part folks. That was fun.