Oxfam volunteers wanted for Euro shows
Aug 29, 2008Good afternoon. This just in from our friends at Oxfam…
Hello. As you know, Coldplay have shows coming up around Europe. Oxfam volunteers have been invited to campaign every step of the way, talking to 100,000s of people about how they can take action to overcome poverty. There are still a few places available for volunteers in Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic and Hungary. You could be one of them.
Volunteers receive a free ticket to the show, in return for working hard and spreading the word for about three hours prior to the show. What better way to spend an evening? Join the other dedicated volunteers in doing amazing work to fight poverty, and then watch Coldplay put on an amazing live show!
We’ll convert your precious time into life-saving work around the world. Oxfam works to overcome poverty and injustice in a variety of ways. The three main streams of this work are Emergency response, Development work and Campaigning for lasting change. Campaigning at music concerts is one way to give people the opportunity to get involved. The Make Trade Fair campaign has previously been hugely successful, when it was on the road with Coldplay. This time out, Oxfam volunteers will be asking Coldplay fans to show their support by making a Health and Education FOR ALL pledge.
If you want to read more about how it has been going so far, check out the Oxfam tour blog. If you are interested in volunteering, email Pete Lusby, Oxfam’s on-tour coordinator at plusby@oxfam.org.uk – thanks!