Guy’s old photo project reopens
Oct 15, 2012Hello. In 2010, I asked you to help me with a personal art project, by sending in old photographs. Some incredible photos were sent in from all over the world (a few of them are shown above). And now I’d like to see if you can help me to find any more.
As before, they can be good photos, or completely out of focus. They can be black and white or colour. The point is that they are pictures dating back to the 1960s and before, that have been thrown away and found again – rather than your own old family photographs. Thanks for your help. I can’t wait to see what you come up with this time.
Please send photo(s) with a note saying which city/country they were found in – to:
Guy’s Old Photos
2nd Floor
88/90 Baker Street
(Postal submissions only – personal deliveries cannot be accepted)
Unfortunately we won’t be able to return the photographs – but, as Guy says, he’s looking for discarded photographs found in charity/thrift shops etc, rather than your own personal ones. And, as a thank you for your efforts, we’ll be sending out one signed picture of the band per week to randomly-selected senders of old photos. If you’d like to be in with a chance of winning one, please include your name and address.